One Direction Win VMAs

By Salsabila Adni Azkiya Bahri - 01.11

hollllaaaa~ azkiya here!
oke guys gue bakalan nge bahas tentang the boys menang VMA nih wahahahah excited? iya gue juga sama ehem.. tau VMA kan? ga tau ga kece :p VMA itu "Video Music Award" nah the boys menang 3 katagori yaitu  Best Pop Video, Best New Ast, dan Best Share-Worthy Video dan mereka mecahin rekor terbanyak dengan 3 Moon Man (piala) so proud with u guyss!!! mereka berhasil ngalahin Justin Bieber, Beyonce, Carly Rae Jepsen dll WHOOOAAA kurang keren apa lagi coba??? nah itu semua berkat kalian guys! berkat Directioners yang udah ngevote mereka!! hayooo udah berapa kali kalian ngevote mereka?? hahah gue udah banyak dong B) ini beberapa foto the boys di VMA!! :) 

ekspresi harry waktu the boys menang VMA-_- 

The Boys on red carpet

The Boys performing One Thing

Niall di cium Katy ToT

Niall with Katy Perry aku juga mau di peluk donnngggss :''3


the boys pada berjambul yah whooaaahh ngalahin jambul syahrini :p kecuali harry

in the background Danielle sma Eleanor juga dateng :) 

The Boys with MoonMan :)

"Wow, thank you very much Katy. Thanks for the kiss. Thank you so much. We've grown up watching this show. And to even be here is an honour and to collect one of these is absolutely incredible" kata the boys pas Katy cium Harry dan Niall oh iya, bagi kalian jangan berfikir kalo Katy suka sma mereka berdua yah itu cuma ciuman selamat *apadeh* jangan ada yang cemburu yaaahh u,u oh iya menurut gue Katy juga berhak ngecium the boys karna waktu di X-Factor Katy pernah jadi juri, kata Katy. Katy tau bener Niall dri dulu sampe sekarang, soalnya dia yang beri "yess" buat Niall waktu di X-factor dan akhirnya Niall bisa sampe kaya sekarang :') aww

ga lupa juga the boys ngucapin terima kasih sama Directioners katanya:
 "Straightaway we would like to thank the most important people: our fans who have followed us through our two year rollercoaster journey and have helped us win this award for Best Pop Video. So thank you," Niall Horan said. "This one's for you guys." aaww what a sweet boy! dan kalian tau apa yang terjadi?? sekarusnya The Boys menerima 3 Moonman (piala) tapi yang satunya pecah-_- aduh the boys ada-ada aja kata liam gini 
"I just want to say we've had this award for two seconds and already we broke it so there's a good start," Liam Payne wakakakakak lucu banget kamu :''3 "It's amazing to be here. I also want to say a massive thank you to our team backstage." lanjutnya. aaaaahh we proud of you guys!! 

dan yang terakhir Louis bilang "Just a few more thank you's. We want to thank Simon Cowell and everyone at Syco. Our incredible label, Columbia. And of course [Columbia executive] Steve Barnett for believing in us from the start. This one's for the fans."

with love 
Hazza's wife:''3

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